SR 436 Transit Oriented Development Planning Study
In 2019, a transit corridor study was completed along SR 436 from SR 434 in Altamonte Springs to Orlando International Airport. The study concluded with a package of recommendations that could be advanced with varying implementation timeframes.
Current planning efforts along this key travel corridor will focus on Transit Oriented Development (TOD) planning that could support future premium transit services. The study will review the potential for TOD around nine proposed bus rapid transit stations between SR 50 and Orlando International Airport. The SR 436 corridor serves regional and local travel and is also the "gateway" into Central Florida for many of our 60 million annual visitors.
SR 436 Transit Oriented Development Study
LYNX and the City of Orlando are undertaking a Transit Oriented Development (TOD) study focusing on nine station areas along SR 436 from Hazeltine Drive to SR 50 (Colonial Drive). This project is the next step to the LYNX SR 436 Transit Study that recommended Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) on SR 436 from the Orlando International Airport to the Altamonte SunRail Station. This study aims to evaluate TOD potential around the proposed stations, develop preliminary station area plans to inform future development and recommend appropriate regulatory changes and multimodal investments to optimize TOD.
There will be three public meetings throughout the service area to discuss the TOD study and to gather input.
Public Workshops
Project Vision and Goals for Each Station Area
Learn about the project and share what your vision/goals are for development surrounding the nine proposed BRT station areas.
DATE/TIME: Monday, April 15
6:30-8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
1515 S Semoran Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32807
Passengers may use Links 15, 28 or 436S.
Feedback on Curry Ford, Engelwood, Azalea Park and Colonial Station Areas
See the emerging concepts and ideas for neighborhood development around the proposed BRT station areas along Semoran Boulevard at Curry Ford, Engelwood, Azalea Park and Colonial.
DATE/TIME: Wednesday, April 17
6:30-8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Prince of Peace Lutheran Church
1515 S Semoran Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32807
Passengers may use Links 15, 28 or 436S.
Feedback on Lee Vista, Hoffner, Gatlin-Pershing, Lake Fredrica and Michigan Station Areas
See the emerging concepts and ideas for neighborhood development around the proposed BRT station areas along Semoran Boulevard at Lee Vista, Hoffner, Gatlin-Pershing, Lake Frederica and Michigan.
DATE/TIME: Saturday, April 20
5:00-9:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Gateway District’s Jazz Arts & Flavors Fest at Gateway Village
5449 Gateway Village Circle
Orlando, FL 32812
Passengers may use Links 42 or 436S.
For more information or to share feedback, please contact:
Patricia Whitton
LYNX Project Manager
455 N Garland Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801
Megan Barrow
City of Orlando Project Manager
400 S Orange Avenue
Orlando, FL 32801