Media & Filming
LYNX wants to respond promptly and completely to news media inquiries. Above all, we want to ensure that the information furnished is accurate. If you are a member of the news media and have an inquiry concerning LYNX, please contact:
Matthew Friedman
(407) 254-6206-office
(407) 832-4193-cell
All media inquiries to any LYNX employee about agency business, programs and services are required to go through the Office of Media Relations first.
For non-media issues, please call LYNX customer service line at (407) 841-LYNX (5969).
All requests for interviews with LYNX employees should be made to the Media Relations Office, (407) 254-6206. We will try to provide a representative who can best address the topic of the interview.
While on LYNX Property
If you wish to film, photograph or interview customers on LYNX property, we encourage you to make your request through the Media Relations Office.
When filming (live or taped), taking a still photograph or conducting interviews while on LYNX property, please allow our customers to enter/leave buses or the surrounding areas without obstruction. Please do not block or restrict the movement of LYNX customers.
We also suggest that you carry your media issued ID, as you may be asked to present by security.
You may park in the lot across from LCS on Garland Avenue and Amelia Street, in the lane in front of the LCS Terminal or on the sidewalk near the terminal. Please do not block the sidewalk. At our other facilities please park in the designated parking lots.
Public Meetings
We welcome you to observe meetings of our Board of Directors and several of their committee meetings that are open to the public. You may film and/or record these meetings. We will gladly assist you with placement of cameras and microphones as needed. Public meetings are listed on this website.
Production Shoots
LYNX welcomes companies wishing to use our properties (buses, buildings, etc.) for non-news related production. Please download and fill out the Facility Agreement form and send it back to the Media Relations Office at (407) 254-6421 (fax) or for approval. You will be required to show proof of insurance and a location permit (if applicable). Please provide as much advance notice as possible.