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Florida House Bill 1301 Compliance

What is HB 1301?

Florida House Bill 1301

Effective July 1, 2024, Ch. 2024-57, amends section 341.071, Florida Statutes, Transit productivity and performance measures; reports, by adding subsection (4). This new provision requires public transit providers to disc?lose certain information and documentation relating to its budgeted and general administrative costs. Beginning November 1, 2024, and every year thereafter, public transit agencies are required to report certain transit productivity and performance measures pursuant to Section 341.071(4)(b) and (d), Florida Statutes. Public transit providers receiving Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) transit block grant funding are required to report the following:

  1. To certify whether the transit agency’s administrative costs are above/below state average.
  2. To report on the line-item budget report of its budgeted and actual general administrative costs for the previous Fiscal Year.
  3. To report all salaried executive management-level employees' total compensation packages.
  4. To report on the ridership performance and metrics based on the most recent closed-out National Transit Database (NTD) data.
  5. To list any gifts, as defined in s. 112.312, accepted in exchange for contracts.

LYNX Administrative Cost

LYNX certifies that its FY2023 administrative cost is 23.24%*, which is lower than the state average administrative cost 24.05% +20% making the final calculation of 28.86% (as a Florida Transit Tier 1).

*based on NTD Data

LYNX Line-Item Budget Report & General Administrative Costs for FY24

LYNX administrative costs listed on a table


Gifts Accepted for Contracts

LYNX certifies that no gifts have been accepted in exchange for contracts.

Ridership Performance & Metrics

2023 Annual Agency Profile - Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority (NTD ID 40035)
Mailing Address:  455 N. Garland Avenue                Website:
                             Orlando, FL 

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Executive Management-Level Employees' Compensation as of 11/30/2024

Chart of executive management level employees compensation.

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